Tips to Help Keep You Safe on City Roads Anyone who has driven in a city setting can tell you that navigating the streets safely…
Posts tagged as “Driving Distractions”
Staying Safe in Areas Where Deer Frequent Every year, hundreds of deer are hit while people drive on the road. Not only does this hurt…
Tips That Could Save Your Life Incidents involving motor vehicles are one of the most common ways for people to get injured or even killed.…
New Jersey Police Targeting Distracted Drivers with New Campaign Beginning April 1, New Jersey police officers are targeting distracted divers through their “U Drive, U…
Don’t Eat and Drive Believe it or not, eating while driving is more dangerous than using a cell phone behind the wheel. In a recent…
Distractions You Didn’t Even Know Were Affecting Your Ability to Drive In today’s get-up-and-go world, multi-tasking is a practice that many of us believe we…
Texting while driving is a common practice. According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis, a division of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,…
The Dangers of Distracted Driving Revealed Distracted driving is defined as any activity that takes the driver’s attention away from the road and their thoughts…
Keeping Teen Drivers Safe during this Exciting Time May and June are exciting months for many young adults – this is around the time when…
Tips to Help Reduce or Eliminate Distractions for Employees Cell phone use has become one of the top reasons for distracted driving and contributes to…