Tips to Help Keep You Safe on City Roads
Anyone who has driven in a city setting can tell you that navigating the streets safely can sometimes be challenging. A lot of the road hazards and other road conditions are based on the day of the week and often the time of the day, not to mention the number of visual distractions like billboards and lighted signs that can bombard drivers at every turn. The concrete jungle can be a scary place to drive in, but by following these helpful tips, driving in the city can be a little less frightening and a whole lot safer.
Know Your Way
It can be easy to become anxious and uncomfortable behind the wheel when you are unsure of where you’re going. Drivers who are stressed out while on the road often lose focus and can become distracted more easily. Before heading into the city, consider using a GPS system to offer more direction to your location or study a map so you are more comfortable with the direction you are taking. Knowing your way will help keep you at ease behind the wheel and more alert to the many hazards the city offers.
Take It Slow
City streets are often very densely packed with cars and people, especially during rush hours, and it is important to make sure you are prepared in case others on the road do something completely unexpected. Slowing down helps to improve your reaction time behind the wheel and helps to avoid any accidents or incidents. While you do want to slow down, don’t slow down so much that you are impeding traffic, and also do not speed down narrow alley ways, traffic-packed streets, or parking lots.
Watch for Walkers
Cities tend to have a lot of people walking the sidewalks and crossing streets – this includes business people, parents with children, and walkers out with their dogs. This is why drivers need to be hyper-aware of pedestrians when traveling in a city setting. For larger cities, it is very possible for people to not wait for crosswalk signals to cross, and sometimes they will just dart out into traffic! When driving on city streets, make sure to keep an eye on those walking along the roadway and also be careful when making turns around blind corners in order to avoid causing a pedestrian accident during your travels.
Think you or someone you know is need of Behind the Wheel Training? Training Wheels is a Mays Landing driving school specializing in teaching new teen drivers how to stay safe on the road. For more information on our lessons, please click here.
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